This module includes functions that control SRP client behavior.
This module includes functions of the Service Registration Protocol.
This module includes functions for SRP client buffers and service pool.
Functions in this module are only available when feature OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_BUFFERS_ENABLE is enabled.
Enumerations |
enum Specifies an SRP client item (service or host info) state. |
enum Represents the address mode used by the SRP server. |
enum Represents the state of the SRP server. |
Typedefs |
otSrpClientAutoStartCallback)(const otSockAddr *aServerSockAddr, void *aContext)
Pointer type defines the callback used by SRP client to notify user when it is auto-started or stopped. |
typedef Represents a SRP client service pool entry. |
otSrpClientCallback)(otError aError, const otSrpClientHostInfo *aHostInfo, const otSrpClientService *aServices, const otSrpClientService *aRemovedServices, void *aContext)
Pointer type defines the callback used by SRP client to notify user of changes/events/errors. |
typedefstruct otSrpClientHostInfo
Represents an SRP client host info. |
typedefstruct otSrpClientService
Represents an SRP client service. |
typedef Represents the address mode used by the SRP server. |
typedefstruct otSrpServerHost
This opaque type represents a SRP service host. |
typedefstruct otSrpServerLeaseConfig
Includes SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations. |
typedefstruct otSrpServerLeaseInfo
Includes SRP server lease information of a host/service. |
typedefstruct otSrpServerResponseCounters
Includes the statistics of SRP server responses. |
typedefstruct otSrpServerService
This opaque type represents a SRP service. |
otSrpServerServiceUpdateHandler)(otSrpServerServiceUpdateId aId, const otSrpServerHost *aHost, uint32_t aTimeout, void *aContext)
Handles SRP service updates. |
The ID of a SRP service update transaction on the SRP Server. |
typedefstruct otSrpServerTtlConfig
Includes SRP server TTL configurations. |
Functions |
otSrpClientAddService(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientService *aService)
Adds a service to be registered with server.
otSrpClientBuffersAllocateService(otInstance *aInstance)
Allocates a new service entry from the pool.
otSrpClientBuffersFreeAllServices(otInstance *aInstance)
Frees all previously allocated service entries.
otSrpClientBuffersFreeService(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aService)
Frees a previously allocated service entry.
otSrpClientBuffersGetHostAddressesArray(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t *aArrayLength)
Gets the array of IPv6 address entries to use as SRP client host address list.
otSrpClientBuffersGetHostNameString(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t *aSize)
char *
Gets the string buffer to use for SRP client host name.
otSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryInstanceNameString(otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aSize)
char *
Gets the string buffer for service instance name from a service entry.
otSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryServiceNameString(otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aSize)
char *
Gets the string buffer for service name from a service entry.
otSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryTxtBuffer(otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aSize)
uint8_t *
Gets the buffer for TXT record from a service entry.
otSrpClientBuffersGetSubTypeLabelsArray(otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aArrayLength)
const char **
Gets the array for service subtype labels from the service entry.
otSrpClientClearHostAndServices(otInstance *aInstance)
Clears all host info and all the services.
otSrpClientClearService(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientService *aService)
Clears a service, immediately removing it from the client service list.
otSrpClientDisableAutoStartMode(otInstance *aInstance)
Disables the auto-start mode.
otSrpClientEnableAutoHostAddress(otInstance *aInstance)
Enables auto host address mode.
otSrpClientEnableAutoStartMode(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientAutoStartCallback aCallback, void *aContext)
Enables the auto-start mode.
otSrpClientGetDomainName(otInstance *aInstance)
const char *
Gets the domain name being used by SRP client.
otSrpClientGetHostInfo(otInstance *aInstance)
const otSrpClientHostInfo *
Gets the host info.
otSrpClientGetKeyLeaseInterval(otInstance *aInstance)
Gets the default key lease interval used in SRP update requests.
otSrpClientGetLeaseInterval(otInstance *aInstance)
Gets the default lease interval used in SRP update requests.
otSrpClientGetServerAddress(otInstance *aInstance)
const otSockAddr *
Gets the socket address (IPv6 address and port number) of the SRP server which is being used by SRP client.
otSrpClientGetServices(otInstance *aInstance)
const otSrpClientService *
Gets the list of services being managed by client.
otSrpClientGetTtl(otInstance *aInstance)
Gets the TTL value in every record included in SRP update requests.
otSrpClientIsAutoStartModeEnabled(otInstance *aInstance)
Indicates the current state of auto-start mode (enabled or disabled).
otSrpClientIsRunning(otInstance *aInstance)
Indicates whether the SRP client is running or not.
otSrpClientIsServiceKeyRecordEnabled(otInstance *aInstance)
Indicates whether the "service key record inclusion" mode is enabled or disabled.
otSrpClientItemStateToString(otSrpClientItemState aItemState)
const char *
Converts a
otSrpClientItemState to a string. |
otSrpClientRemoveHostAndServices(otInstance *aInstance, bool aRemoveKeyLease, bool aSendUnregToServer)
Starts the remove process of the host info and all services.
otSrpClientRemoveService(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientService *aService)
Requests a service to be unregistered with server.
otSrpClientSetCallback(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientCallback aCallback, void *aContext)
Sets the callback to notify caller of events/changes from SRP client.
otSrpClientSetDomainName(otInstance *aInstance, const char *aName)
Sets the domain name to be used by SRP client.
otSrpClientSetHostAddresses(otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6Address *aIp6Addresses, uint8_t aNumAddresses)
Sets/updates the list of host IPv6 address.
otSrpClientSetHostName(otInstance *aInstance, const char *aName)
Sets the host name label.
otSrpClientSetKeyLeaseInterval(otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aInterval)
Sets the default key lease interval used in SRP update requests.
otSrpClientSetLeaseInterval(otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aInterval)
Sets the default lease interval used in SRP update requests.
otSrpClientSetServiceKeyRecordEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled)
Enables/disables "service key record inclusion" mode.
otSrpClientSetTtl(otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aTtl)
Sets the TTL value in every record included in SRP update requests.
otSrpClientStart(otInstance *aInstance, const otSockAddr *aServerSockAddr)
Starts the SRP client operation.
otSrpClientStop(otInstance *aInstance)
Stops the SRP client operation.
otSrpServerEnableFastStartMode(otInstance *aInstance)
Enables the "Fast Start Mode" on the SRP server.
otSrpServerGetAddressMode(otInstance *aInstance)
Returns the address mode being used by the SRP server.
otSrpServerGetAnycastModeSequenceNumber(otInstance *aInstance)
Returns the sequence number used with anycast address mode.
otSrpServerGetDomain(otInstance *aInstance)
const char *
Returns the domain authorized to the SRP server.
otSrpServerGetLeaseConfig(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerLeaseConfig *aLeaseConfig)
Returns SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations.
otSrpServerGetNextHost(otInstance *aInstance, const otSrpServerHost *aHost)
const otSrpServerHost *
Returns the next registered host on the SRP server.
otSrpServerGetPort(otInstance *aInstance)
Returns the port the SRP server is listening to.
otSrpServerGetResponseCounters(otInstance *aInstance)
const otSrpServerResponseCounters *
Returns the response counters of the SRP server.
otSrpServerGetState(otInstance *aInstance)
Returns the state of the SRP server.
otSrpServerGetTtlConfig(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerTtlConfig *aTtlConfig)
Returns SRP server TTL configuration.
otSrpServerHandleServiceUpdateResult(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerServiceUpdateId aId, otError aError)
Reports the result of processing a SRP update to the SRP server.
otSrpServerHostGetAddresses(const otSrpServerHost *aHost, uint8_t *aAddressesNum)
const otIp6Address *
Returns the addresses of given host.
otSrpServerHostGetFullName(const otSrpServerHost *aHost)
const char *
Returns the full name of the host.
otSrpServerHostGetLeaseInfo(const otSrpServerHost *aHost, otSrpServerLeaseInfo *aLeaseInfo)
Returns the LEASE and KEY-LEASE information of a given host.
otSrpServerHostGetNextService(const otSrpServerHost *aHost, const otSrpServerService *aService)
const otSrpServerService *
Returns the next service of given host.
otSrpServerHostIsDeleted(const otSrpServerHost *aHost)
Tells if the SRP service host has been deleted.
otSrpServerHostMatchesFullName(const otSrpServerHost *aHost, const char *aFullName)
Indicates whether the host matches a given host name.
otSrpServerIsAutoEnableMode(otInstance *aInstance)
Indicates whether the auto-enable mode is enabled or disabled.
otSrpServerIsFastStartModeEnabled(otInstance *aInstance)
Indicates whether the Fast Start Mode is enabled or disabled.
otSrpServerParseSubTypeServiceName(const char *aSubTypeServiceName, char *aLabel, uint8_t aLabelSize)
Parses a sub-type service name (full name) and extracts the sub-type label.
otSrpServerServiceGetHost(const otSrpServerService *aService)
const otSrpServerHost *
Returns the host which the service instance reside on.
otSrpServerServiceGetInstanceLabel(const otSrpServerService *aService)
const char *
Returns the service instance label (first label in instance name) of the service.
otSrpServerServiceGetInstanceName(const otSrpServerService *aService)
const char *
Returns the full service instance name of the service.
otSrpServerServiceGetLeaseInfo(const otSrpServerService *aService, otSrpServerLeaseInfo *aLeaseInfo)
Returns the LEASE and KEY-LEASE information of a given service.
otSrpServerServiceGetNumberOfSubTypes(const otSrpServerService *aService)
Gets the number of sub-types of the service.
otSrpServerServiceGetPort(const otSrpServerService *aService)
Returns the port of the service instance.
otSrpServerServiceGetPriority(const otSrpServerService *aService)
Returns the priority of the service instance.
otSrpServerServiceGetServiceName(const otSrpServerService *aService)
const char *
Returns the full service name of the service.
otSrpServerServiceGetSubTypeServiceNameAt(const otSrpServerService *aService, uint16_t aIndex)
const char *
Gets the sub-type service name (full name) of the service at a given index.
otSrpServerServiceGetTtl(const otSrpServerService *aService)
Returns the TTL of the service instance.
otSrpServerServiceGetTxtData(const otSrpServerService *aService, uint16_t *aDataLength)
const uint8_t *
Returns the TXT record data of the service instance.
otSrpServerServiceGetWeight(const otSrpServerService *aService)
Returns the weight of the service instance.
otSrpServerServiceHasSubTypeServiceName(const otSrpServerService *aService, const char *aSubTypeServiceName)
Indicates whether or not the service has a given sub-type.
otSrpServerServiceIsDeleted(const otSrpServerService *aService)
Indicates whether or not the SRP service has been deleted.
otSrpServerServiceMatchesInstanceName(const otSrpServerService *aService, const char *aInstanceName)
Indicates whether this service matches a given service instance name.
otSrpServerServiceMatchesServiceName(const otSrpServerService *aService, const char *aServiceName)
Indicates whether this service matches a given service name.
otSrpServerSetAddressMode(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerAddressMode aMode)
Sets the address mode to be used by the SRP server.
otSrpServerSetAnycastModeSequenceNumber(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aSequenceNumber)
Sets the sequence number used with anycast address mode.
otSrpServerSetAutoEnableMode(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled)
Enables/disables the auto-enable mode on SRP server.
otSrpServerSetDomain(otInstance *aInstance, const char *aDomain)
Sets the domain on the SRP server.
otSrpServerSetEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled)
Enables/disables the SRP server.
otSrpServerSetLeaseConfig(otInstance *aInstance, const otSrpServerLeaseConfig *aLeaseConfig)
Sets SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations.
otSrpServerSetServiceUpdateHandler(otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerServiceUpdateHandler aServiceHandler, void *aContext)
Sets the SRP service updates handler on SRP server.
otSrpServerSetTtlConfig(otInstance *aInstance, const otSrpServerTtlConfig *aTtlConfig)
Sets SRP server TTL configuration.
Structs |
otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry |
Represents a SRP client service pool entry. |
otSrpClientHostInfo |
Represents an SRP client host info. |
otSrpClientService |
Represents an SRP client service. |
otSrpServerLeaseConfig |
Includes SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations. |
otSrpServerLeaseInfo |
Includes SRP server lease information of a host/service. |
otSrpServerResponseCounters |
Includes the statistics of SRP server responses. |
otSrpServerTtlConfig |
Includes SRP server TTL configurations. |
Specifies an SRP client item (service or host info) state.
Properties | |
Item is being added/registered. |
Item is being refreshed. |
Item is registered with server. |
Item is removed. |
Item is being removed. |
Item to be added/registered. |
Item to be refreshed (re-register to renew lease). |
Item to be removed. |
Represents the address mode used by the SRP server.
Address mode specifies how the address and port number are determined by the SRP server and how this info is published in the Thread Network Data.
option will make the implementation non-compliant with the Thread specification. This option is intended for testing and specific use-cases. When selected, the SRP server, upon being enabled, will bypass the Network Data publisher and always add the "SRP/DNS unicast" entry directly to the Network Data, regardless of how many other similar entries are present.
Properties | |
Anycast address mode. Use Network Data publisher. |
Unicast address mode. Use Network Data publisher. |
Unicast address mode. Immediately force add to Network Data. |
Represents the state of the SRP server.
Properties | |
The SRP server is disabled. |
The SRP server is enabled and running. |
The SRP server is enabled but stopped. |
void(* otSrpClientAutoStartCallback)(const otSockAddr *aServerSockAddr, void *aContext)
Pointer type defines the callback used by SRP client to notify user when it is auto-started or stopped.
This is only used when auto-start feature OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_AUTO_START_API_ENABLE
is enabled.
This callback is invoked when auto-start mode is enabled and the SRP client is either automatically started or stopped.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
struct otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry
Represents a SRP client service pool entry.
void(* otSrpClientCallback)(otError aError, const otSrpClientHostInfo *aHostInfo, const otSrpClientService *aServices, const otSrpClientService *aRemovedServices, void *aContext)
Pointer type defines the callback used by SRP client to notify user of changes/events/errors.
This callback is invoked on a successful registration of an update (i.e., add/remove of host-info and/or some service(s)) with the SRP server, or if there is a failure or error (e.g., server rejects a update request or client times out waiting for response, etc).
In case of a successful reregistration of an update, aError
parameter would be OT_ERROR_NONE
and the host info and the full list of services is provided as input parameters to the callback. Note that host info and services each track its own state in the corresponding mState
member variable of the related data structure (the state indicating whether the host-info/service is registered or removed or still being added/removed, etc).
The list of removed services is passed as its own linked-list aRemovedServices
in the callback. Note that when the callback is invoked, the SRP client (OpenThread implementation) is done with the removed service instances listed in aRemovedServices
and no longer tracks/stores them (i.e., if from the callback we call otSrpClientGetServices()
the removed services will not be present in the returned list). Providing a separate list of removed services in the callback helps indicate to user which items are now removed and allow user to re-claim/reuse the instances.
If the server rejects an SRP update request, the DNS response code (RFC 2136) is mapped to the following errors:
- (0) NOERROR Success (no error condition) -> OT_ERROR_NONE
- (1) FORMERR Server unable to interpret due to format error -> OT_ERROR_PARSE
- (2) SERVFAIL Server encountered an internal failure -> OT_ERROR_FAILED
- (3) NXDOMAIN Name that ought to exist, does not exist -> OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND
- (4) NOTIMP Server does not support the query type (OpCode) -> OT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
- (5) REFUSED Server refused for policy/security reasons -> OT_ERROR_SECURITY
- (6) YXDOMAIN Some name that ought not to exist, does exist -> OT_ERROR_DUPLICATED
- (7) YXRRSET Some RRset that ought not to exist, does exist -> OT_ERROR_DUPLICATED
- (8) NXRRSET Some RRset that ought to exist, does not exist -> OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND
- (9) NOTAUTH Service is not authoritative for zone -> OT_ERROR_SECURITY
- (10) NOTZONE A name is not in the zone -> OT_ERROR_PARSE
- (20) BADNAME Bad name -> OT_ERROR_PARSE
- (21) BADALG Bad algorithm -> OT_ERROR_SECURITY
- (22) BADTRUN Bad truncation -> OT_ERROR_PARSE
- Other response codes -> OT_ERROR_FAILED
The following errors are also possible:
- OT_ERROR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT : Timed out waiting for response from server (client would continue to retry).
- OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS : The provided service structure is invalid (e.g., bad service name or
). - OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS : Insufficient buffer to prepare or send the update message.
Note that in case of any failure, the client continues the operation, i.e. it prepares and (re)transmits the SRP update message to the server, after some wait interval. The retry wait interval starts from the minimum value and is increased by the growth factor every failure up to the max value (please see configuration parameter OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_MIN_RETRY_WAIT_INTERVAL
and the related ones for more details).
Details | |||||||||||
Parameters |
struct otSrpClientHostInfo otSrpClientHostInfo
Represents an SRP client host info.
struct otSrpClientService otSrpClientService
Represents an SRP client service.
The values in this structure, including the string buffers for the names and the TXT record entries, MUST persist and stay constant after an instance of this structure is passed to OpenThread from otSrpClientAddService()
or otSrpClientRemoveService()
The mState
, mData
, mNext
fields are used/managed by OT core only. Their value is ignored when an instance of otSrpClientService
is passed in otSrpClientAddService()
or otSrpClientRemoveService()
or other functions. The caller does not need to set these fields.
The mLease
and mKeyLease
fields specify the desired lease and key lease intervals for this service. Zero value indicates that the interval is unspecified and then the default lease or key lease intervals from otSrpClientGetLeaseInterval()
and otSrpClientGetKeyLeaseInterval()
are used for this service. If the key lease interval (whether set explicitly or determined from the default) is shorter than the lease interval for a service, SRP client will re-use the lease interval value for key lease interval as well. For example, if in service mLease
is explicitly set to 2 days and mKeyLease
is set to zero and default key lease is set to 1 day, then when registering this service, the requested key lease for this service is also set to 2 days.
enum otSrpServerAddressMode otSrpServerAddressMode
Represents the address mode used by the SRP server.
Address mode specifies how the address and port number are determined by the SRP server and how this info is published in the Thread Network Data.
option will make the implementation non-compliant with the Thread specification. This option is intended for testing and specific use-cases. When selected, the SRP server, upon being enabled, will bypass the Network Data publisher and always add the "SRP/DNS unicast" entry directly to the Network Data, regardless of how many other similar entries are present.
struct otSrpServerHost otSrpServerHost
This opaque type represents a SRP service host.
struct otSrpServerLeaseConfig otSrpServerLeaseConfig
Includes SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations.
struct otSrpServerLeaseInfo otSrpServerLeaseInfo
Includes SRP server lease information of a host/service.
struct otSrpServerResponseCounters otSrpServerResponseCounters
Includes the statistics of SRP server responses.
struct otSrpServerService otSrpServerService
This opaque type represents a SRP service.
void(* otSrpServerServiceUpdateHandler)(otSrpServerServiceUpdateId aId, const otSrpServerHost *aHost, uint32_t aTimeout, void *aContext)
Handles SRP service updates.
Is called by the SRP server to notify that a SRP host and possibly SRP services are being updated. It is important that the SRP updates are not committed until the handler returns the result by calling otSrpServerHandleServiceUpdateResult or times out after aTimeout
A SRP service observer should always call otSrpServerHandleServiceUpdateResult with error code OT_ERROR_NONE immediately after receiving the update events.
A more generic handler may perform validations on the SRP host/services and rejects the SRP updates if any validation fails. For example, an Advertising Proxy should advertise (or remove) the host and services on a multicast-capable link and returns specific error code if any failure occurs.
Details | |||||||||
Parameters |
uint32_t otSrpServerServiceUpdateId
The ID of a SRP service update transaction on the SRP Server.
struct otSrpServerTtlConfig otSrpServerTtlConfig
Includes SRP server TTL configurations.
otError otSrpClientAddService( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientService *aService )
Adds a service to be registered with server.
After a successful call to this function, otSrpClientCallback
will be called to report the status of the service addition/registration with SRP server.
The otSrpClientService
instance being pointed to by aService
MUST persist and remain unchanged after returning from this function (with OT_ERROR_NONE
). OpenThread will save the pointer to the service instance.
The otSrpClientService
instance is not longer tracked by OpenThread and can be reclaimed only when
- It is removed explicitly by a call to
or removed along with other services by a call tootSrpClientRemoveHostAndServices() and only after the
otSrpClientCallback` is called indicating the service was removed. Or, - A call to
which removes the host and all related services immediately.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry * otSrpClientBuffersAllocateService( otInstance *aInstance )
Allocates a new service entry from the pool.
The returned service entry instance will be initialized as follows:
will point to an allocated string buffer which can be retrieved using the functionotSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryServiceNameString()
will point to an allocated string buffer which can be retrieved using the functionotSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryInstanceNameString()
points to an array that is returned fromotSrpClientBuffersGetSubTypeLabelsArray()
will point tomTxtEntry
will be set to one.- Other
fields (port, priority, weight) are set to zero. mTxtEntry.mKey
is set to NULL (value is treated as already encoded).mTxtEntry.mValue
will point to an allocated buffer which can be retrieved using the functionotSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryTxtBuffer()
is set to zero.- All related data/string buffers and arrays are cleared to all zero.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the newly allocated service entry or NULL if not more entry available in the pool.
void otSrpClientBuffersFreeAllServices( otInstance *aInstance )
Frees all previously allocated service entries.
Details | |||
Parameters |
void otSrpClientBuffersFreeService( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aService )
Frees a previously allocated service entry.
The aService
MUST be previously allocated using otSrpClientBuffersAllocateService()
and not yet freed. Otherwise the behavior of this function is undefined.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
otIp6Address * otSrpClientBuffersGetHostAddressesArray( otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t *aArrayLength )
Gets the array of IPv6 address entries to use as SRP client host address list.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to an array of
otIp6Address entries (number of entries is returned in aArrayLength ). |
char * otSrpClientBuffersGetHostNameString( otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t *aSize )
Gets the string buffer to use for SRP client host name.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to char buffer to use for SRP client host name.
char * otSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryInstanceNameString( otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aSize )
Gets the string buffer for service instance name from a service entry.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the string buffer.
char * otSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryServiceNameString( otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aSize )
Gets the string buffer for service name from a service entry.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the string buffer.
uint8_t * otSrpClientBuffersGetServiceEntryTxtBuffer( otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aSize )
Gets the buffer for TXT record from a service entry.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the buffer.
const char ** otSrpClientBuffersGetSubTypeLabelsArray( otSrpClientBuffersServiceEntry *aEntry, uint16_t *aArrayLength )
Gets the array for service subtype labels from the service entry.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the array.
void otSrpClientClearHostAndServices( otInstance *aInstance )
Clears all host info and all the services.
Unlike otSrpClientRemoveHostAndServices()
which sends an update message to the server to remove all the info, this function clears all the info immediately without any interaction with the server.
Details | |||
Parameters |
otError otSrpClientClearService( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientService *aService )
Clears a service, immediately removing it from the client service list.
Unlike otSrpClientRemoveService()
which sends an update message to the server to remove the service, this function clears the service from the client's service list without any interaction with the server. On a successful call to this function, the otSrpClientCallback
will NOT be called and the aService
entry can be reclaimed and re-used by the caller immediately.
Can be used along with a subsequent call to otSrpClientAddService()
(potentially reusing the same aService
entry with the same service and instance names) to update some of the parameters in an existing service.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
void otSrpClientDisableAutoStartMode( otInstance *aInstance )
Disables the auto-start mode.
This is only available when auto-start feature OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_AUTO_START_API_ENABLE
is enabled.
Disabling the auto-start mode will not stop the client if it is already running but the client stops monitoring the Thread Network Data to verify that the selected SRP server is still present in it.
Note that a call to otSrpClientStop()
will also disable the auto-start mode.
Details | |||
Parameters |
otError otSrpClientEnableAutoHostAddress( otInstance *aInstance )
Enables auto host address mode.
When enabled host IPv6 addresses are automatically set by SRP client using all the preferred unicast addresses on Thread netif excluding all link-local and mesh-local addresses. If there is no preferred address, then Mesh Local EID address is added. The SRP client will automatically re-register when/if addresses on Thread netif are updated (new addresses are added or existing addresses are removed or marked as non-preferred).
The auto host address mode can be enabled before start or during operation of SRP client except when the host info is being removed (client is busy handling a remove request from an call to otSrpClientRemoveHostAndServices()
and host info still being in either STATE_TO_REMOVE
After auto host address mode is enabled, it can be disabled by a call to otSrpClientSetHostAddresses()
which then explicitly sets the host addresses.
Details | |||||
Return Values |
void otSrpClientEnableAutoStartMode( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientAutoStartCallback aCallback, void *aContext )
Enables the auto-start mode.
This is only available when auto-start feature OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_AUTO_START_API_ENABLE
is enabled.
specifies the default auto-start mode (whether it is enabled or disabled at the start of OT stack).
When auto-start is enabled, the SRP client will monitor the Thread Network Data to discover SRP servers and select the preferred server and automatically start and stop the client when an SRP server is detected.
There are three categories of Network Data entries indicating presence of SRP sever. They are preferred in the following order:
1) Preferred unicast entries where server address is included in the service data. If there are multiple options, the one with numerically lowest IPv6 address is preferred.
2) Anycast entries each having a seq number. A larger sequence number in the sense specified by Serial Number Arithmetic logic in RFC-1982 is considered more recent and therefore preferred. The largest seq number using serial number arithmetic is preferred if it is well-defined (i.e., the seq number is larger than all other seq numbers). If it is not well-defined, then the numerically largest seq number is preferred.
3) Unicast entries where the server address info is included in server data. If there are multiple options, the one with numerically lowest IPv6 address is preferred.
When there is a change in the Network Data entries, client will check that the currently selected server is still present in the Network Data and is still the preferred one. Otherwise the client will switch to the new preferred server or stop if there is none.
When the SRP client is explicitly started through a successful call to otSrpClientStart()
, the given SRP server address in otSrpClientStart()
will continue to be used regardless of the state of auto-start mode and whether the same SRP server address is discovered or not in the Thread Network Data. In this case, only an explicit otSrpClientStop()
call will stop the client.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
const char * otSrpClientGetDomainName( otInstance *aInstance )
Gets the domain name being used by SRP client.
to be enabled.
If domain name is not set, "" will be used.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The domain name string.
const otSrpClientHostInfo * otSrpClientGetHostInfo( otInstance *aInstance )
Gets the host info.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to host info structure.
uint32_t otSrpClientGetKeyLeaseInterval( otInstance *aInstance )
Gets the default key lease interval used in SRP update requests.
The default interval is used only for otSrpClientService
instances with mKeyLease
set to zero.
Note that this is the lease duration requested by the SRP client. The server may choose to accept a different lease interval.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The key lease interval (in seconds).
uint32_t otSrpClientGetLeaseInterval( otInstance *aInstance )
Gets the default lease interval used in SRP update requests.
The default interval is used only for otSrpClientService
instances with mLease
set to zero.
Note that this is the lease duration requested by the SRP client. The server may choose to accept a different lease interval.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The lease interval (in seconds).
const otSockAddr * otSrpClientGetServerAddress( otInstance *aInstance )
Gets the socket address (IPv6 address and port number) of the SRP server which is being used by SRP client.
If the client is not running, the address is unspecified (all zero) with zero port number.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the SRP server's socket address (is always non-NULL).
const otSrpClientService * otSrpClientGetServices( otInstance *aInstance )
Gets the list of services being managed by client.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the head of linked-list of all services or NULL if the list is empty.
uint32_t otSrpClientGetTtl( otInstance *aInstance )
Gets the TTL value in every record included in SRP update requests.
Note that this is the TTL requested by the SRP client. The server may choose to accept a different TTL.
By default, the TTL will equal the lease interval. Passing 0 or a value larger than the lease interval via otSrpClientSetTtl()
will also cause the TTL to equal the lease interval.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The TTL (in seconds).
bool otSrpClientIsAutoStartModeEnabled( otInstance *aInstance )
Indicates the current state of auto-start mode (enabled or disabled).
This is only available when auto-start feature OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_AUTO_START_API_ENABLE
is enabled.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
TRUE if the auto-start mode is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
bool otSrpClientIsRunning( otInstance *aInstance )
Indicates whether the SRP client is running or not.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
TRUE if the SRP client is running, FALSE otherwise.
bool otSrpClientIsServiceKeyRecordEnabled( otInstance *aInstance )
Indicates whether the "service key record inclusion" mode is enabled or disabled.
configuration is enabled.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
TRUE if "service key record inclusion" mode is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
const char * otSrpClientItemStateToString( otSrpClientItemState aItemState )
Converts a otSrpClientItemState
to a string.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A string representation of
aItemState . |
otError otSrpClientRemoveHostAndServices( otInstance *aInstance, bool aRemoveKeyLease, bool aSendUnregToServer )
Starts the remove process of the host info and all services.
After returning from this function, otSrpClientCallback
will be called to report the status of remove request with SRP server.
If the host info is to be permanently removed from server, aRemoveKeyLease
should be set to true
which removes the key lease associated with host on server. Otherwise, the key lease record is kept as before, which ensures that the server holds the host name in reserve for when the client is once again able to provide and register its service(s).
The aSendUnregToServer
determines the behavior when the host info is not yet registered with the server. If aSendUnregToServer
is set to false
(which is the default/expected value) then the SRP client will immediately remove the host info and services without sending an update message to server (no need to update the server if nothing is yet registered with it). If aSendUnregToServer
is set to true
then the SRP client will send an update message to the server. Note that if the host info is registered then the value of aSendUnregToServer
does not matter and the SRP client will always send an update message to server requesting removal of all info.
One situation where aSendUnregToServer
can be useful is on a device reset/reboot, caller may want to remove any previously registered services with the server. In this case, caller can otSrpClientSetHostName()
and then request otSrpClientRemoveHostAndServices()
with aSendUnregToServer
as true
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otError otSrpClientRemoveService( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientService *aService )
Requests a service to be unregistered with server.
After a successful call to this function, otSrpClientCallback
will be called to report the status of remove request with SRP server.
The otSrpClientService
instance being pointed to by aService
MUST persist and remain unchanged after returning from this function (with OT_ERROR_NONE
). OpenThread will keep the service instance during the remove process. Only after the otSrpClientCallback
is called indicating the service instance is removed from SRP client service list and can be be freed/reused.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
void otSrpClientSetCallback( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpClientCallback aCallback, void *aContext )
Sets the callback to notify caller of events/changes from SRP client.
The SRP client allows a single callback to be registered. So consecutive calls to this function will overwrite any previously set callback functions.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
otError otSrpClientSetDomainName( otInstance *aInstance, const char *aName )
Sets the domain name to be used by SRP client.
to be enabled.
If not set "" will be used.
The name string buffer pointed to by aName
MUST persist and stay unchanged after returning from this function. OpenThread will keep the pointer to the string.
The domain name can be set before client is started or after start but before host info is registered with server (host info should be in either STATE_TO_ADD
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otError otSrpClientSetHostAddresses( otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6Address *aIp6Addresses, uint8_t aNumAddresses )
Sets/updates the list of host IPv6 address.
Host IPv6 addresses can be set/changed before start or during operation of SRP client (e.g. to add/remove or change a previously registered host address), except when the host info is being removed (client is busy handling a remove request from an earlier call to otSrpClientRemoveHostAndServices()
and host info still being in either STATE_TO_REMOVE
The host IPv6 address array pointed to by aIp6Addresses
MUST persist and remain unchanged after returning from this function (with OT_ERROR_NONE
). OpenThread will save the pointer to the array.
After a successful call to this function, otSrpClientCallback
will be called to report the status of the address registration with SRP server.
Calling this function disables auto host address mode if it was previously enabled from a successful call to otSrpClientEnableAutoHostAddress()
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otError otSrpClientSetHostName( otInstance *aInstance, const char *aName )
Sets the host name label.
After a successful call to this function, otSrpClientCallback
will be called to report the status of host info registration with SRP server.
The name string buffer pointed to by aName
MUST persist and stay unchanged after returning from this function. OpenThread will keep the pointer to the string.
The host name can be set before client is started or after start but before host info is registered with server (host info should be in either STATE_TO_ADD
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
void otSrpClientSetKeyLeaseInterval( otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aInterval )
Sets the default key lease interval used in SRP update requests.
The default interval is used only for otSrpClientService
instances with mKeyLease
set to zero.
Changing the lease interval does not impact the accepted lease interval of already registered services/host-info. It only affects any future SRP update messages (i.e., adding new services and/or refreshes of existing services).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
void otSrpClientSetLeaseInterval( otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aInterval )
Sets the default lease interval used in SRP update requests.
The default interval is used only for otSrpClientService
instances with mLease
set to zero.
Changing the lease interval does not impact the accepted lease interval of already registered services/host-info. It only affects any future SRP update messages (i.e., adding new services and/or refreshes of the existing services).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
void otSrpClientSetServiceKeyRecordEnabled( otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled )
Enables/disables "service key record inclusion" mode.
When enabled, SRP client will include KEY record in Service Description Instructions in the SRP update messages that it sends.
configuration is enabled.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
void otSrpClientSetTtl( otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aTtl )
Sets the TTL value in every record included in SRP update requests.
Changing the TTL does not impact the TTL of already registered services/host-info. It only affects future SRP update messages (i.e., adding new services and/or refreshes of the existing services).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
otError otSrpClientStart( otInstance *aInstance, const otSockAddr *aServerSockAddr )
Starts the SRP client operation.
SRP client will prepare and send "SRP Update" message to the SRP server once all the following conditions are met:
- The SRP client is started -
is called. - Host name is set -
is called. - At least one host IPv6 address is set -
is called. - At least one service is added -
is called.
It does not matter in which order these functions are called. When all conditions are met, the SRP client will wait for a short delay before preparing an "SRP Update" message and sending it to server. This delay allows for user to add multiple services and/or IPv6 addresses before the first SRP Update message is sent (ensuring a single SRP Update is sent containing all the info). The config OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_SRP_CLIENT_UPDATE_TX_DELAY
specifies the delay interval.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
void otSrpClientStop( otInstance *aInstance )
Stops the SRP client operation.
Stops any further interactions with the SRP server. Note that it does not remove or clear host info and/or list of services. It marks all services to be added/removed again once the client is (re)started.
Details | |||
Parameters |
otError otSrpServerEnableFastStartMode( otInstance *aInstance )
Enables the "Fast Start Mode" on the SRP server.
feature to be enabled.
The Fast Start Mode is designed for scenarios where a device, often a mobile device, needs to act as a provisional SRP server (e.g., functioning as a temporary Border Router). The SRP server function is enabled only if no other Border Routers (BRs) are already providing the SRP service within the Thread network. A common use case is a mobile device joining a Thread network where it may be the first, or only, BR. Importantly, Fast Start Mode allows the device to quickly start its SRP server functionality upon joining the network, allowing other Thread devices to quickly connect and register their services without the typical delays associated with standard Border Router initialization (and SRP server startup).
When Fast Start Mode is enabled, the SRP server manages when to start or stop based on the presence of other BRs, following this process:
- Upon initial attachment to the Thread network, the device immediately inspects the received Network Data for any existing "SRP/DNS" entries. These entries indicate the presence of other active BRs providing SRP server service:
- If no "SRP/DNS" entries from other BRs are found, the device immediately enables its own SRP server. This activation uses
, which bypasses the usual delay associated with the standard Network Data publisher, directly adding its own "SRP/DNS unicast" entry to the Network Data. - If "SRP/DNS" entries from other BRs are detected, the device will not enable its SRP server, deferring to the existing ones.
- If no "SRP/DNS" entries from other BRs are found, the device immediately enables its own SRP server. This activation uses
- After starting its SRP server in Fast Start Mode, the device continuously monitors the Network Data. If, at any point, new "SRP/DNS" entries appear (indicating that another BR has become active), the device automatically disables its own SRP server functionality, relinquishing the role to the newly available BR.
The Fast Start Mode can be enabled when the device is in the detached or disabled state, the SRP server is currently disabled, and "auto-enable mode" is not in use (i.e., otSrpServerIsAutoEnableMode()
returns false
After successfully enabling Fast Start Mode, it can be disabled either by a call to otSrpServerSetEnabled()
, explicitly enabling or disabling the SRP server, or by a call to otSrpServerSetAutoEnableMode()
, enabling or disabling the auto-enable mode. If the Fast Start Mode (while active) enables the SRP server, upon disabling Fast Start Mode (regardless of how it is done), the SRP server will also be stopped, and the use of the OT_SRP_SERVER_ADDRESS_MODE_UNICAST_FORCE_ADD
address mode will be stopped, and the address mode will be automatically reverted back to its previous setting before Fast Start Mode was enabled.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otSrpServerAddressMode otSrpServerGetAddressMode( otInstance *aInstance )
Returns the address mode being used by the SRP server.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The SRP server's address mode.
uint8_t otSrpServerGetAnycastModeSequenceNumber( otInstance *aInstance )
Returns the sequence number used with anycast address mode.
The sequence number is included in "DNS/SRP Service Anycast Address" entry published in the Network Data.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The anycast sequence number.
const char * otSrpServerGetDomain( otInstance *aInstance )
Returns the domain authorized to the SRP server.
If the domain if not set by SetDomain, "" will be returned. A trailing dot is always appended even if the domain is set without it.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the dot-joined domain string.
void otSrpServerGetLeaseConfig( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerLeaseConfig *aLeaseConfig )
Returns SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
const otSrpServerHost * otSrpServerGetNextHost( otInstance *aInstance, const otSrpServerHost *aHost )
Returns the next registered host on the SRP server.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the registered host. NULL, if no more hosts can be found.
uint16_t otSrpServerGetPort( otInstance *aInstance )
Returns the port the SRP server is listening to.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The port of the SRP server. It returns 0 if the server is not running.
const otSrpServerResponseCounters * otSrpServerGetResponseCounters( otInstance *aInstance )
Returns the response counters of the SRP server.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the response counters of the SRP server.
otSrpServerState otSrpServerGetState( otInstance *aInstance )
Returns the state of the SRP server.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The current state of the SRP server.
void otSrpServerGetTtlConfig( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerTtlConfig *aTtlConfig )
Returns SRP server TTL configuration.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
void otSrpServerHandleServiceUpdateResult( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerServiceUpdateId aId, otError aError )
Reports the result of processing a SRP update to the SRP server.
The Service Update Handler should call this function to return the result of its processing of a SRP update.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
const otIp6Address * otSrpServerHostGetAddresses( const otSrpServerHost *aHost, uint8_t *aAddressesNum )
Returns the addresses of given host.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the array of IPv6 Address.
const char * otSrpServerHostGetFullName( const otSrpServerHost *aHost )
Returns the full name of the host.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the null-terminated host name string.
void otSrpServerHostGetLeaseInfo( const otSrpServerHost *aHost, otSrpServerLeaseInfo *aLeaseInfo )
Returns the LEASE and KEY-LEASE information of a given host.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
const otSrpServerService * otSrpServerHostGetNextService( const otSrpServerHost *aHost, const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the next service of given host.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the next service or NULL if there is no more services.
bool otSrpServerHostIsDeleted( const otSrpServerHost *aHost )
Tells if the SRP service host has been deleted.
A SRP service host can be deleted but retains its name for future uses. In this case, the host instance is not removed from the SRP server/registry.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
TRUE if the host has been deleted, FALSE if not.
bool otSrpServerHostMatchesFullName( const otSrpServerHost *aHost, const char *aFullName )
Indicates whether the host matches a given host name.
DNS name matches are performed using a case-insensitive string comparison (i.e., "Abc" and "aBc" are considered to be the same).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
bool otSrpServerIsAutoEnableMode( otInstance *aInstance )
Indicates whether the auto-enable mode is enabled or disabled.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
bool otSrpServerIsFastStartModeEnabled( otInstance *aInstance )
Indicates whether the Fast Start Mode is enabled or disabled.
feature to be enabled.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otError otSrpServerParseSubTypeServiceName( const char *aSubTypeServiceName, char *aLabel, uint8_t aLabelSize )
Parses a sub-type service name (full name) and extracts the sub-type label.
The full service name for a sub-type service follows "
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
const otSrpServerHost * otSrpServerServiceGetHost( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the host which the service instance reside on.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the host instance.
const char * otSrpServerServiceGetInstanceLabel( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the service instance label (first label in instance name) of the service.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the null-terminated service instance label string..
const char * otSrpServerServiceGetInstanceName( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the full service instance name of the service.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the null-terminated service instance name string.
void otSrpServerServiceGetLeaseInfo( const otSrpServerService *aService, otSrpServerLeaseInfo *aLeaseInfo )
Returns the LEASE and KEY-LEASE information of a given service.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
uint16_t otSrpServerServiceGetNumberOfSubTypes( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Gets the number of sub-types of the service.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The number of sub-types of
aService . |
uint16_t otSrpServerServiceGetPort( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the port of the service instance.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The port of the service.
uint16_t otSrpServerServiceGetPriority( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the priority of the service instance.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The priority of the service.
const char * otSrpServerServiceGetServiceName( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the full service name of the service.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the null-terminated service name string.
const char * otSrpServerServiceGetSubTypeServiceNameAt( const otSrpServerService *aService, uint16_t aIndex )
Gets the sub-type service name (full name) of the service at a given index.
The full service name for a sub-type service follows "
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to sub-type service name at
aIndex , or NULL if no sub-type at this index. |
uint32_t otSrpServerServiceGetTtl( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the TTL of the service instance.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The TTL of the service instance..
const uint8_t * otSrpServerServiceGetTxtData( const otSrpServerService *aService, uint16_t *aDataLength )
Returns the TXT record data of the service instance.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Returns |
A pointer to the buffer containing the TXT record data (the TXT data length is returned in
aDataLength ). |
uint16_t otSrpServerServiceGetWeight( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Returns the weight of the service instance.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
The weight of the service.
bool otSrpServerServiceHasSubTypeServiceName( const otSrpServerService *aService, const char *aSubTypeServiceName )
Indicates whether or not the service has a given sub-type.
DNS name matches are performed using a case-insensitive string comparison (i.e., "Abc" and "aBc" are considered to be the same).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
bool otSrpServerServiceIsDeleted( const otSrpServerService *aService )
Indicates whether or not the SRP service has been deleted.
A SRP service can be deleted but retains its name for future uses. In this case, the service instance is not removed from the SRP server/registry. It is guaranteed that all services are deleted if the host is deleted.
Details | |||
Parameters |
Returns |
TRUE if the service has been deleted, FALSE if not.
bool otSrpServerServiceMatchesInstanceName( const otSrpServerService *aService, const char *aInstanceName )
Indicates whether this service matches a given service instance name.
DNS name matches are performed using a case-insensitive string comparison (i.e., "Abc" and "aBc" are considered to be the same).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
bool otSrpServerServiceMatchesServiceName( const otSrpServerService *aService, const char *aServiceName )
Indicates whether this service matches a given service name.
DNS name matches are performed using a case-insensitive string comparison (i.e., "Abc" and "aBc" are considered to be the same).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otError otSrpServerSetAddressMode( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerAddressMode aMode )
Sets the address mode to be used by the SRP server.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
otError otSrpServerSetAnycastModeSequenceNumber( otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aSequenceNumber )
Sets the sequence number used with anycast address mode.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
void otSrpServerSetAutoEnableMode( otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled )
Enables/disables the auto-enable mode on SRP server.
When this mode is enabled, the Border Routing Manager controls if/when to enable or disable the SRP server. SRP sever is auto-enabled if/when Border Routing is started and it is done with the initial prefix and route configurations (when the OMR and on-link prefixes are determined, advertised in emitted Router Advertisement message on infrastructure side and published in the Thread Network Data). The SRP server is auto-disabled if/when BR is stopped (e.g., if the infrastructure network interface is brought down or if BR gets detached).
This mode can be disabled by a otSrpServerSetAutoEnableMode()
call with aEnabled
set to false
or if the SRP server is explicitly enabled or disabled by a call to otSrpServerSetEnabled()
function. Disabling auto-enable mode using otSrpServerSetAutoEnableMode(false)
will not change the current state of SRP sever (e.g., if it is enabled it stays enabled).
Details | |||||
Parameters |
otError otSrpServerSetDomain( otInstance *aInstance, const char *aDomain )
Sets the domain on the SRP server.
A trailing dot will be appended to aDomain
if it is not already there. Should only be called before the SRP server is enabled.
Details | |||||||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
void otSrpServerSetEnabled( otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled )
Enables/disables the SRP server.
On a Border Router, it is recommended to use otSrpServerSetAutoEnableMode()
Details | |||||
Parameters |
otError otSrpServerSetLeaseConfig( otInstance *aInstance, const otSrpServerLeaseConfig *aLeaseConfig )
Sets SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations.
When a non-zero LEASE time is requested from a client, the granted value will be limited in range [aMinLease, aMaxLease]; and a non-zero KEY-LEASE will be granted in range [aMinKeyLease, aMaxKeyLease]. For zero LEASE or KEY-LEASE time, zero will be granted.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
void otSrpServerSetServiceUpdateHandler( otInstance *aInstance, otSrpServerServiceUpdateHandler aServiceHandler, void *aContext )
Sets the SRP service updates handler on SRP server.
Details | |||||||
Parameters |
otError otSrpServerSetTtlConfig( otInstance *aInstance, const otSrpServerTtlConfig *aTtlConfig )
Sets SRP server TTL configuration.
The granted TTL will always be no greater than the max lease interval configured via otSrpServerSetLeaseConfig()
, regardless of the minimum and maximum TTL configuration.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
OpenThread API Reference topics originate from the source code, available on GitHub. For more information, or to contribute to our documentation, refer to Resources.