Logging - Thread Stack
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This module includes OpenThread logging related definitions.
Functions |
otDumpCritPlat(const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength)
void void void void void void
Generates a memory dump at critical log level.
otDumpDebgPlat(const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength)
Generates a memory dump at debug log level.
otDumpInfoPlat(const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength)
Generates a memory dump at info log level.
otDumpNotePlat(const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength)
Generates a memory dump at note log level.
otDumpWarnPlat(const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength)
Generates a memory dump at warning log level.
otLogCli(otLogLevel aLogLevel, const char *aFormat, ...) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(2
Emits a log message at a given log level.
otLogCritPlat(const char *aFormat, ...) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
Emits a log message at critical log level.
otLogDebgPlat(const char *aFormat, ...) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
void void void void void
Emits a log message at debug log level.
otLogGenerateNextHexDumpLine(otLogHexDumpInfo *aInfo)
Generates the next hex dump line.
otLogInfoPlat(const char *aFormat, ...) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
void void void void
Emits a log message at info log level.
otLogNotePlat(const char *aFormat, ...) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
void void void
Emits a log message at note log level.
otLogPlat(otLogLevel aLogLevel, const char *aPlatModuleName, const char *aFormat, ...) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(3
Emits a log message at given log level using a platform module name.
otLogPlatArgs(otLogLevel aLogLevel, const char *aPlatModuleName, const char *aFormat, va_list aArgs)
void void
Emits a log message at given log level using a platform module name.
otLogWarnPlat(const char *aFormat, ...) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
void void
Emits a log message at warning log level.
Returns the current log level.
otLoggingSetLevel(otLogLevel aLogLevel)
Sets the log level.
Macros |
Hex dump line string size.
Structs |
otLogHexDumpInfo |
Represents information used for generating hex dump output. |
void void void void void void otDumpCritPlat( const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength )
Generates a memory dump at critical log level.
is not set or the current log level is below critical this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void otDumpDebgPlat( const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength )
Generates a memory dump at debug log level.
is not set or the current log level is below debug this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void otDumpInfoPlat( const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength )
Generates a memory dump at info log level.
is not set or the current log level is below info this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void otDumpNotePlat( const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength )
Generates a memory dump at note log level.
is not set or the current log level is below note this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void otDumpWarnPlat( const char *aText, const void *aData, uint16_t aDataLength )
Generates a memory dump at warning log level.
is not set or the current log level is below warning this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void otLogCli( otLogLevel aLogLevel, const char *aFormat, ... ) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(2
Emits a log message at a given log level.
Is intended for use by CLI only. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_CLI
is not set or the current log level is below the given log level, this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void otLogCritPlat( const char *aFormat, ... ) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
Emits a log message at critical log level.
Is intended for use by platform. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_PLATFORM
is not set or the current log level is below critical, this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void void void void void otLogDebgPlat( const char *aFormat, ... ) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
Emits a log message at debug log level.
Is intended for use by platform. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_PLATFORM
is not set or the current log level is below debug, this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
otError otLogGenerateNextHexDumpLine( otLogHexDumpInfo *aInfo )
Generates the next hex dump line.
Can call this method back-to-back to generate the hex dump output line by line. On the first call the mIterator
field in aInfo
MUST be set to zero.
Here is an example of the generated hex dump output:
"==========================[{mTitle} len=070]============================" "| 41 D8 87 34 12 FF FF 25 | 4C 57 DA F2 FB 2F 62 7F | A..4...%LW.../b. |" "| 3B 01 F0 4D 4C 4D 4C 54 | 4F 00 15 15 00 00 00 00 | ;..MLMLTO....... |" "| 00 00 00 01 80 DB 60 82 | 7E 33 72 3B CC B3 A1 84 | ......`.~3r;.... |" "| 3B E6 AD B2 0B 45 E7 45 | C5 B9 00 1A CB 2D 6D 1C | ;....E.E.....-m. |" "| 10 3E 3C F5 D3 70 | | .><..p |" "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
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Parameters |
Return Values |
void void void void otLogInfoPlat( const char *aFormat, ... ) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
Emits a log message at info log level.
Is intended for use by platform. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_PLATFORM
is not set or the current log level is below info, this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
void void void otLogNotePlat( const char *aFormat, ... ) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
Emits a log message at note log level.
Is intended for use by platform. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_PLATFORM
is not set or the current log level is below note, this function does not emit any log message.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
void otLogPlat( otLogLevel aLogLevel, const char *aPlatModuleName, const char *aFormat, ... ) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(3
Emits a log message at given log level using a platform module name.
This is is intended for use by platform. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_PLATFORM
is not set or the current log level is below aLogLevel
, this function does not emit any log message.
The aPlatModuleName
name is used to determine the log module name in the emitted log message, following the P-{PlatModuleName}---
format. This means that the prefix string "P-" is added to indicate that this is a platform sub-module, followed by the next 12 characters of the PlatModuleName
string, with padded hyphens -
at the end to ensure that the region name is 14 characters long.
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Parameters |
void void otLogPlatArgs( otLogLevel aLogLevel, const char *aPlatModuleName, const char *aFormat, va_list aArgs )
Emits a log message at given log level using a platform module name.
This is is intended for use by platform. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_PLATFORM
is not set or the current log level is below aLogLevel
, this function does not emit any log message.
The aPlatModuleName
name is used to determine the log module name in the emitted log message, following the P-{PlatModuleName}---
format. This means that the prefix string "P-" is added to indicate that this is a platform sub-module, followed by the next 12 characters of the PlatModuleName
string, with padded hyphens -
at the end to ensure that the region name is 14 characters long.
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Parameters |
void void otLogWarnPlat( const char *aFormat, ... ) OT_TOOL_PRINTF_STYLE_FORMAT_ARG_CHECK(1
Emits a log message at warning log level.
Is intended for use by platform. If OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_PLATFORM
is not set or the current log level is below warning, this function does not emit any log message.
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Parameters |
otLogLevel otLoggingGetLevel( void )
Returns the current log level.
is enabled, this function returns the currently set dynamic log level. Otherwise, this function returns the build-time configured log level.
Details | |
Returns |
The log level.
otError otLoggingSetLevel( otLogLevel aLogLevel )
Sets the log level.
Details | |||||
Parameters |
Return Values |
Hex dump line string size.
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