This module includes the platform abstraction for DNS-SD (e.g., mDNS) on the infrastructure network.


The DNS-SD platform APIs are used only when OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_PLATFORM_DNSSD_ENABLE is enabled.


Represents the state of the DNS-SD platform.


otPlatDnssdHost typedef
Represents a DNS-SD host.
otPlatDnssdKey typedef
Represents a DNS-SD key record.
otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback)(otInstance *aInstance, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otError aError) typedef
Represents the callback function used when registering/unregistering a host or service.
otPlatDnssdRequestId typedef
Represents a request ID for registering/unregistering a service or host.
otPlatDnssdService typedef
Represents a DNS-SD service.
otPlatDnssdState typedef
Represents the state of the DNS-SD platform.


otPlatDnssdGetState(otInstance *aInstance)
Gets the current state of the DNS-SD module.
otPlatDnssdRegisterHost(otInstance *aInstance, const otPlatDnssdHost *aHost, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback)
Registers or updates a host on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.
otPlatDnssdRegisterKey(otInstance *aInstance, const otPlatDnssdKey *aKey, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback)
Registers or updates a key record on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.
otPlatDnssdRegisterService(otInstance *aInstance, const otPlatDnssdService *aService, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback)
Registers or updates a service on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.
otPlatDnssdStateHandleStateChange(otInstance *aInstance)
Callback to notify state changes of the DNS-SD platform.
otPlatDnssdUnregisterHost(otInstance *aInstance, const otPlatDnssdHost *aHost, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback)
Unregisters a host on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.
otPlatDnssdUnregisterKey(otInstance *aInstance, const otPlatDnssdKey *aKey, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback)
Unregisters a key record on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.
otPlatDnssdUnregisterService(otInstance *aInstance, const otPlatDnssdService *aService, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback)
Unregisters a service on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.



Represents a DNS-SD host.


Represents a DNS-SD key record.


Represents a DNS-SD service.




Represents the state of the DNS-SD platform.


Running and ready to register service or host.


Stopped and unable to register any service or host.



struct otPlatDnssdHost otPlatDnssdHost

Represents a DNS-SD host.

See otPlatDnssdRegisterHost(), otPlatDnssdUnregisterHost() for more details about fields in each case.


struct otPlatDnssdKey otPlatDnssdKey

Represents a DNS-SD key record.

See otPlatDnssdRegisterKey(), otPlatDnssdUnregisterKey() for more details about fields in each case.


void(* otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback)(otInstance *aInstance, otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId, otError aError)

Represents the callback function used when registering/unregistering a host or service.

See otPlatDnssdRegisterService(), otPlatDnssdUnregisterService(), otPlatDnssdRegisterHost(), and otPlatDnssdUnregisterHost() for more details about when to invoke the callback and the aError values that can be returned in each case.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
[in] aRequestId
The request ID.
[in] aError
Error indicating the outcome of request.


uint32_t otPlatDnssdRequestId

Represents a request ID for registering/unregistering a service or host.


struct otPlatDnssdService otPlatDnssdService

Represents a DNS-SD service.

See otPlatDnssdRegisterService(), otPlatDnssdUnregisterService() for more details about fields in each case.


enum otPlatDnssdState otPlatDnssdState

Represents the state of the DNS-SD platform.



otPlatDnssdState otPlatDnssdGetState(
  otInstance *aInstance

Gets the current state of the DNS-SD module.

The platform MUST notify the OpenThread stack whenever its state gets changed by invoking otPlatDnssdStateHandleStateChange().

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
The current state of the DNS-SD module.


void otPlatDnssdRegisterHost(
  otInstance *aInstance,
  const otPlatDnssdHost *aHost,
  otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId,
  otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback

Registers or updates a host on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.

The aHost and all its contained information (strings and arrays) are only valid during this call. The platform MUST save a copy of the information if it wants to retain the information after returning from this function.

The fields in aHost follow these rules:

  • The mHostName field specifies the host name to register. It is never NULL.
  • The mAddresses field is an array of IPv6 addresses to register with the host. mAddressesLength field provides the number of entries in mAddresses array. The platform implementation MUST not filter or remove any of addresses in the list. The OpenThread stack will already ensure that the given addresses are externally reachable. For example, when registering host from an SRP registration, link-local or mesh-local addresses associated with the host which are intended for use within Thread mesh are not included in mAddresses array passed to this API. The mAddresses array can be empty with zero mAddressesLength. In such a case, the platform MUST stop advertising any addresses for this host name on the infrastructure DNS-SD.
  • The mTtl field specifies the TTL if non-zero. If zero, the platform can choose the TTL to use.
  • The mInfraIfIndex field, if non-zero, specifies the infrastructure network interface index to use for this request. If zero, the platform implementation can decided the interface.

Regarding the invocation of the aCallback and the reuse of the aRequestId, this function follows the same rules as described in otPlatDnssdRegisterService().

The OpenThread stack will not register the same host (with no changes) that was registered successfully earlier. Therefore, the platform implementation does not need to check for duplicate/same host and can assume that calls to this function are either registering a new entry or changing some parameter in a previously registered item. As a result, these changes always need to be synced on the infrastructure DNS-SD module.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
[in] aHost
Information about the host to register.
[in] aRequestId
The ID associated with this request.
[in] aCallback
The callback function pointer to report the outcome (may be NULL if no callback needed).


void otPlatDnssdRegisterKey(
  otInstance *aInstance,
  const otPlatDnssdKey *aKey,
  otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId,
  otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback

Registers or updates a key record on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.

The aKey and all its contained information (strings and arrays) are only valid during this call. The platform MUST save a copy of the information if it wants to retain the information after returning from this function.

The fields in aKey follow these rules:

  • If the key is associated with a host, mName field specifies the host name and mServiceType will be NULL.
  • If the key is associated with a service, mName field specifies the service instance label and mServiceType field specifies the service type. In this case the DNS name for key record is {mName}.{mServiceTye}.
  • The mKeyData field contains the key record's data with mKeyDataLength as its length in byes. It is never NULL.
  • The mClass fields specifies the resource record class to use when registering key record.
  • The mTtl field specifies the TTL if non-zero. If zero, the platform can choose the TTL to use.
  • The mInfraIfIndex field, if non-zero, specifies the infrastructure network interface index to use for this request. If zero, the platform implementation can decided the interface.

Regarding the invocation of the aCallback and the reuse of the aRequestId, this function follows the same rules as described in otPlatDnssdRegisterService().

The OpenThread stack will not register the same key (with no changes) that was registered successfully earlier. Therefore, the platform implementation does not need to check for duplicate/same name and can assume that calls to this function are either registering a new key or changing the key data in a previously registered one. As a result, these changes always need to be synced on the infrastructure DNS-SD module.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
[in] aHost
Information about the key record to register.
[in] aRequestId
The ID associated with this request.
[in] aCallback
The callback function pointer to report the outcome (may be NULL if no callback needed).


void otPlatDnssdRegisterService(
  otInstance *aInstance,
  const otPlatDnssdService *aService,
  otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId,
  otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback

Registers or updates a service on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.

The aService and all its contained information (strings and buffers) are only valid during this call. The platform MUST save a copy of the information if it wants to retain the information after returning from this function.

The fields in aService follow these rules:

  • The mServiceInstance and mServiceType fields specify the service instance label and service type name, respectively. They are never NULL.
  • The mHostName field specifies the host name of the service if it is not NULL. Otherwise, if it is NULL, it indicates that this service is for the device itself and leaves the host name selection to DNS-SD platform.
  • The mSubTypeLabels is an array of strings representing sub-types associated with the service. It can be NULL if there are no sub-types. Otherwise, the array length is specified by mSubTypeLabelsLength.
  • The mTxtData and mTxtDataLength fields specify the encoded TXT data.
  • The mPort, mWeight, and mPriority fields specify the service's parameters (as specified in DNS SRV record).
  • The mTtl field specifies the TTL if non-zero. If zero, the platform can choose the TTL to use.
  • The mInfraIfIndex field, if non-zero, specifies the infrastructure network interface index to use for this request. If zero, the platform implementation can decided the interface.

When the mHostName field in aService is not NULL (indicating that this registration is on behalf of another host), the OpenThread stack will ensure that otPlatDnssdRegisterHost() is also called for the same host before any service registration requests for the same host.

Once the registration request is finished, either successfully or failed, the platform reports the outcome by invoking the aCallback and passing the same aRequestId in the callback. The aCallback function pointer can be NULL, which indicates that the OpenThread stack does not need to be notified of the outcome of the request. If the outcome is determined, the platform implementation may invoke the aCallback before returning from this function. The OpenThread stack will ensure to handle such a situation.

On success, the aCallback MUST be called (if non-NULL) with OT_ERROR_NONE as the aError input parameter. If the registration causes a name conflict on DNS-SD domain (the service instance name is already claimed by another host), the OT_ERROR_DUPLICATED error MUST be used. The platform implementation can use other OT_ERROR types for other types of errors.

The platform implementation MUST not assume that the aRequestId used in subsequent requests will be different. OpenThread may reuse the same request ID again for a different request.

The OpenThread stack will not register the same service (with no changes) that was registered successfully earlier. Therefore, the platform implementation does not need to check for duplicate/same service and can assume that calls to this function are either registering a new entry or changing some parameter in a previously registered item. As a result, these changes always need to be synced on the infrastructure DNS-SD module.

The OpenThread stack does not require the platform implementation to always invoke the aCallback function. The OpenThread stack has its own mechanism to time out an aged request with no response. This relaxes the requirement for platform implementations.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
[in] aService
Information about the service to register.
[in] aRequestId
The ID associated with this request.
[in] aCallback
The callback function pointer to report the outcome (may be NULL if no callback needed).


void otPlatDnssdStateHandleStateChange(
  otInstance *aInstance

Callback to notify state changes of the DNS-SD platform.

The OpenThread stack will call otPlatDnssdGetState() (from this callback or later) to get the new state. The platform MUST therefore ensure that the returned state from otPlatDnssdGetState() is updated before calling this.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance structure.


void otPlatDnssdUnregisterHost(
  otInstance *aInstance,
  const otPlatDnssdHost *aHost,
  otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId,
  otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback

Unregisters a host on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.

The aHost and all its contained information (strings and arrays) are only valid during this call. The platform MUST save a copy of the information if it wants to retain the information after returning from this function.

The fields in aHost follow these rules:

  • The mHostName field specifies the host name to unregister. It is never NULL.
  • The mInfraIfIndex field, if non-zero, specifies the infrastructure network interface index to use for this request. If zero, the platform implementation can decided the interface.
  • The rest of the fields in aHost structure MUST be ignored in otPlatDnssdUnregisterHost() call and may be set to zero by the OpenThread stack.

Regarding the invocation of the aCallback and the reuse of the aRequestId, this function follows the same rules as described in otPlatDnssdRegisterService().

The OpenThread stack may request the unregistration of a host that was not previously registered, and the platform implementation MUST handle this case. In such a case, the platform can use either OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND to indicate that there was no such registration, or OT_ERROR_NONE when invoking the aCallback function. OpenThread stack will handle either case correctly.

When unregistering a host, the OpenThread stack will also unregister any previously registered services associated with the same host (by calling otPlatDnssdUnregisterService()). However, the platform implementation MAY assume that unregistering a host also unregisters all its associated services.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
[in] aHost
Information about the host to unregister.
[in] aRequestId
The ID associated with this request.
[in] aCallback
The callback function pointer to report the outcome (may be NULL if no callback needed).


void otPlatDnssdUnregisterKey(
  otInstance *aInstance,
  const otPlatDnssdKey *aKey,
  otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId,
  otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback

Unregisters a key record on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.

The aKey and all its contained information (strings and arrays) are only valid during this call. The platform MUST save a copy of the information if it wants to retain the information after returning from this function.

The fields in aKey follow these rules:

  • If the key is associated with a host, mName field specifies the host name and mServiceType will be NULL.
  • If the key is associated with a service, mName field specifies the service instance label and mServiceType field specifies the service type. In this case the DNS name for key record is {mName}.{mServiceTye}.
  • The mInfraIfIndex field, if non-zero, specifies the infrastructure network interface index to use for this request. If zero, the platform implementation can decided the interface.
  • The rest of the fields in aKey structure MUST be ignored in otPlatDnssdUnregisterKey() call and may be set to zero by the OpenThread stack.

Regarding the invocation of the aCallback and the reuse of the aRequestId, this function follows the same rules as described in otPlatDnssdRegisterService().

The OpenThread stack may request the unregistration of a key that was not previously registered, and the platform implementation MUST handle this case. In such a case, the platform can use either OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND to indicate that there was no such registration, or OT_ERROR_NONE when invoking the aCallback function. the OpenThread stack will handle either case correctly.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
[in] aKey
Information about the key to unregister.
[in] aRequestId
The ID associated with this request.
[in] aCallback
The callback function pointer to report the outcome (may be NULL if no callback needed).


void otPlatDnssdUnregisterService(
  otInstance *aInstance,
  const otPlatDnssdService *aService,
  otPlatDnssdRequestId aRequestId,
  otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback aCallback

Unregisters a service on the infrastructure network's DNS-SD module.

The aService and all its contained information (strings and buffers) are only valid during this call. The platform MUST save a copy of the information if it wants to retain the information after returning from this function.

The fields in aService follow these rules:

  • The mServiceInstance and mServiceType fields specify the service instance label and service type name, respectively. They are never NULL.
  • The mHostName field specifies the host name of the service if it is not NULL. Otherwise, if it is NULL, it indicates that this service is for the device itself and leaves the host name selection to DNS-SD platform.
  • The mInfraIfIndex field, if non-zero, specifies the infrastructure network interface index to use for this request. If zero, the platform implementation can decided the interface.
  • The rest of the fields in aService structure MUST be ignored in otPlatDnssdUnregisterService() call and may be set to zero by the OpenThread stack.

Regarding the invocation of the aCallback and the reuse of the aRequestId, this function follows the same rules as described in otPlatDnssdRegisterService().

The OpenThread stack may request the unregistration of a service that was not previously registered, and the platform implementation MUST handle this case. In such a case, the platform can use either OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND to indicate that there was no such registration, or OT_ERROR_NONE when invoking the aCallback function. The OpenThread stack will handle either case correctly.

[in] aInstance
The OpenThread instance.
[in] aService
Information about the service to unregister.
[in] aRequestId
The ID associated with this request.
[in] aCallback
The callback function pointer to report the outcome (may be NULL if no callback needed).


OpenThread API Reference topics originate from the source code, available on GitHub. For more information, or to contribute to our documentation, refer to Resources.